Thursday, May 21, 2009

World Harmony Folk

For those of you who
...sing in choirs. to learn new styles of singing.
....want to improve your singing

May and June Flower

Hello singing friends,

'Tis May! A glorious month of buds, blooms and blossoms. Put those
dark dreary nights of trudging to choir rehearsal behind you. Show us
what you've got! May is the time for choirs to strut their stuff.
Spring concerts, yay!

This is the month to get out and support your local community choirs,
hear their concerts, and decide which choirs you will sing with next
season. There are whole worlds of song out there waiting to welcome your

We're celebrating too because World Harmony Folk just hosted the best
weekend of singing in Toronto ever. One inspiring message came from
Kathy Bullock, gospel songleader extraordinaire, who exhorted everyone
to let their voices ring out. She reminded us all how precious and
unique each voice is, how each one of us is the only person who can sing
our own song in our own voice. So go out and find a choir or songcircle
or course or workshop where you are comfortable and feel good about
singing with others. 'Tis the most glorious bloom of all.

This month's newsletter has lots of listings of community concerts, in
case you want to join these groups, as well as a huge number of music
summer camps and workshops all over the world, in case you need
inspiration for summer travels.

If you're in the southern hemisphere, as many of our readers are, tell
us about your Fall song harvest.

The World Harmony Folk newsletter is now being read by thousands in 28
different countries, in Europe, Africa, Oceania, Asia and the Americas,
which is pretty awesome for a volunteer non-commercial non-affiliated
network, just started last September. Every bit we all do to meet the
need for building community and for creating harmony in purpose, in
voice, and in the world, makes a difference.

Turn to our online site for all the news in Toronto, New York, Scotland,
Europe, New Zealand, England, New England, Ontario, Ireland and many
other places. Find out what is happening in your own area and be
inspired by what others are doing all over the planet to go out and
build community by making music with friends.

Keep sending us the information about your events. That's how the news
spreads and the singing community grows. Over the summer we will take a
break from the email newsletter but we will continue to update the
website as new listings arrive, so continue to send in announcements and
keep checking the website for all the latest news.

Listen and Be Heard,

Cindy Dymond
World Harmony Folk

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